No need to merely daydream about those past great kisses -- you are about to be handed the keys to the kissing kingdom.
Critically important is the way in which you approach making suggestions to your partner... Given that kissing is one of the more important parts of lovemaking, it should be something we all do well.
Critically important is the way in which you approach making suggestions to your partner... Given that kissing is one of the more important parts of lovemaking, it should be something we all do well.
Always make a point of saying what works, not what doesn't. Do not tell him he doesn't kiss well or doesn't 'do it' for you unless, of course, you don't want to see him again.Know that people will often touch (and kiss) the way they like to be touched.
As men are stronger and have thicker skin than women, they often touch to the pressure they know and like, which can be too much, especially initially, for women.Also, because men's mouths and tongues are larger, they may be too forceful in the moment of passion. Yet men are aware how easily a woman can go from 60 to 0 on the desire meter as a result of overly forceful or careless kissing. And there is nothing they want to avoid more than something that will interrupt lovemaking.

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